Sunday, February 15, 2015

New Teachers and Difficult Students

Nancy Barile's blog, "Classroom Management--Kids Speak Out" peaked my interest because soon I will be substituting at a high school with a very weak discipline policy. Being short and looking like a student myself, because I am one, I find it very scary to think about the possible difficult students I could face in the classroom. Barile managed to turn her two worst students around and into A students. She used their help to gather student's perspectives on what good classroom management entails.
Apparently a test that students will do to figure out if their teacher is a push over is to ask to go to the bathroom. They would stay out of class for a long period of time and if they came back and the teacher does not say anything, then they are a weak teacher. Those teachers will face more boundary testing then a teacher who calls the student out on their infraction.
After hearing all of the students' opinions, Barile made a list of rules teachers should follow in order to promote respect in the classroom. The list included having high expectations for every students because students need to feel like their teacher believes in them. It also said to establish rules right away and enforce them. However, humor is important because not all students react to strict teachers. This article really clamed my nerves about dealing with difficult students. I saved the article and plan on memorizing her suggestions and utilizing them as best as possible.

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