Nick Provenzano, otherwise known as "The Nerdy Teacher" was interviewed by EasyBib about his views on technology in the classroom. He talks about learning one tech tool at a time in order to prevent overwhelming the students or teachers who are trying to learn about technology. He advises teachers not to be afraid to fail in front of their students when using technology, because it is a learning process. His favorite technology to use are: EasyBib to teach students about scholarly research, Evernote, and Remind.
He also talks about the importance of making sure that the technology being used aligns with ISTE, Core Curriculum, and ASSL Standards. All of his advice was sound, but I found that his most important point was when he told teachers to not base lessons around the technology they want to use. Instead, incorporate the technology into the lesson so if it does not work on the day of class, the lesson can still be taught. I have had so many teachers who have wasted valuable class time fiddling with technology and calling for technical support when they cannot figure it out. Twenty minutes ends up being wasted and they end up "modifying"(cutting out important information) lessons to make up the time.
This was the first blog I have ever read by the Nerdy Teacher, but I will definitely read more of his insightful knowledge about technology used in classrooms.
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